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Palm Palm Hand Sanitizer Gel – 2oz Travel Size Multi-Pack

Throw it in your pocket, your purse, your glove compartment, it fits anywhere to keep you safe while on the go!

palmpalm™ hand sanitizer with our wonderful cucumber melon scent is your first line of defense. Protect your hands from common germs and bacteria that may cause illness even when soap and water are not available.

To ensure the highest quality product, the production of palmpalm™ hand sanitizer is monitored every step of the way. We oversee the growing of corn, the manufacturing of ethanol, and the packaging operation so we can ensure the result is pure, effective, and sanitizes hands, helping people stay safe.

✓ FDA-Approved Formula

✓ Gel Hand Sanitizer

✓ Ideal For Hands

✓ Fast Drying Application

✓ 70% Alcohol

Palm Palm Hand Sanitizer Gel – 2oz Travel Size Multi-Pack
